Minor Stepping Stones

Welcome to Minor Stepping Stones! A progressive learning scheme to take you from Plain Bob to spliced Surprise Minor, by ringing 43 minor methods organised into five levels.

» Join the scheme and start ringing

The scheme is targeted at those who are learning methods in the virtual world, however it is just as applicable to learning on tower bells. It introduces concepts such as:

  • Ringing by the treble
  • Second and sixth place methods
  • Ringing above and below the treble

If that sounds a bit scary, it is designed to develop your method ringing in small steps and allows you to earn certificates when you’ve completed each level. You will have earned them!

Minor Stepping Stones is an unexpected by-product of 50 Virtual Ringing Things. It's been interesting to develop, with the methods and the order they should be introduced a topic of fierce debate between the various contributors. Sometimes you or your band might disagree with the fine detail. Hopefully this will elicit as much interesting discussion as we had!

Another way of keeping people involved in ringing. Part of the ART/CCCBR survival and recovery toolbox.