M1: 27 July 2019 - North Cave

Eight prospective ringing teachers undertook their ART Module 1 training course at North Cave, Humberside on Saturday 28 August, under the direction of Gillian Hughes.

The course was terrific. I had a fair idea of what to expect having undertaken a course about four years ago, but failed to complete accreditation due to a dearth of learners.

In the four years, the course has developed significantly. We found the exercises to develop both logically and safely, giving the student confidence whilst quickly developing new skills. Yet throughout, there was a quiet calm and sense of purpose. It was a really well thought out course, with adequate hands on experience which left me with new ideas, confidence to be able to impart that knowledge and a real urge to pass on that knowledge to my students. I also found the emphasis on practical problem solving very useful - particularly how to recover a lost "dynamic" rope safely.

A great course, expertly delivered. Thank you Gilllian.

Chris Davies

Course Tutor: Gill Hughes

Teaching Bell Handling

Practical advice for teachers, right from the first lesson.

» Find out more about Module 1