Simulator Awareness - 13 Apr 2019

The Simulator Workshop at the Sedgmoor Ringing Centre (St Mary’s Bridgwater) was an opportunity not just for twelve users and potential users to find out more, but it was also an opportunity for us to learn and perfect the workshop. We set up the ringing room to mimic the facilities at the Mancroft Ringing Discovery Centre, with the front six bells tied and each bell having its own dedicated laptop, connected to the ringing centre’s Bagley sensor system via a ‘splitter box’ to separate out the signal.

The object of the workshop is that people go away reasonably familiar with all the latest features of Abel (or Beltower or Virtual Belfry) and are able to use it in their own tower. Much of the day is spent in practical sessions, working in pairs on a ‘workstation’, with a set of headphones.

The feedback from the latest workshop speaks for itself:

“A very interesting and informative course. There was a lot to take in and I need to go away and practice using Abel now. I particularly enjoyed the practical ringing and using Abel to diagnose ringing faults. I can see many uses for this in my home tower”

“An inspiring course – now to return to the tower and put it into practice!”

“Very useful – had I known about the course before installing a simulator it is would have solved many problems before they were encountered!”

“Really good course. Feel much more confident about teaching on a simulator now.”

“As I had no previous experience with use of Abel on a computer I was initially a bit mesmerised by jargon and what I was looking at. Very helpful to use the computer system.”

“Technical issues apart, this was most instructive and useful. I would have liked a demonstration of an alternative system to Abel. General facilities and catering excellent

Roger Booth

Course Tutor: Roger Booth